Bodywork By Chelsea
Restorative and Healing Massage


Are you looking for an excellent massage? Look no further. Whether you just want to relax and feel better than average or if you are in need of serious healing and restoration you are in the right place. I have been practicing massage therapy in Colorado since May of 2005 and I love serving the needs of my clients, whatever they are. I utilize several modalities to meet your needs, including, traditional Swedish massage and Deep Tissue therapy, Shiatsu massage, Sports massage, Reflexology, Aromatherapy and Reiki. 

My studio is located in Arvada, CO at A Touch for Wellness, and we are wheelchair accessible. I also have a lot of experience working with individuals who have special needs, so come experience the healing power of massage therapy!

 *On-site massage is also offered for a travel and set up fee.* 

Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
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